Faith, the Good, the Bad, and the Daily

March 20, 2022 00:34:00
Faith, the Good, the Bad, and the Daily
Chalice Unitarian Universalist Inspiration
Faith, the Good, the Bad, and the Daily

Mar 20 2022 | 00:34:00


Show Notes

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A whole and happy life is impossible without faith, or trust, that in a world that often seems senseless, there is indeed good reason to get up in the morning and carry on. What keeps you going? When I was 14 my Dad gave me J.B. Phillips’ little book, “Your God is Too Small.” Each chapter covered a limited, and limiting, conception of God: “Resident Policeman,” “Grand Old Man,” and so on. I understood that, whatever ultimate reality there is, it’s the image we have in our head that shapes how we move through the world, how we treat others and ourselves. In time I saw that some of the ideas and figures and movements that capture human devotion are downright frightening, such as cult leaders, nationalism, ideology, and tribalism. My personal lifelong project has been a search for a faith that encompasses everything, all people, and every culture, in a daily experience of love and wholeness

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