Liminal Space

May 24, 2020 00:09:20
Liminal Space
Chalice Unitarian Universalist Inspiration
Liminal Space

May 24 2020 | 00:09:20


Show Notes

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What do you call it when you are not where you were, but not where you are going? How do you prepare for tomorrow when the only thing you are sure of is that it won’t look anything like yesterday? Join with us as we take a look at an ancient story Noah and the Ark, from the perspective of Life After the Pandemic.

The Rev. Dr. Kikanza Nuri-Robins is an organization development consultant who works with people and organizations that are in transition — or ought to be. Her clients are not-for-profit and faith-based organizations, and schools. Her focus in on nurturing equitable and just cultures through mindful leadership, heart-based communication and cultural proficiency. Kikanza was ordained by the Presbyterian church and calls the UU Community Church of Santa Monica home.

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