What Happened to Soul 22? The Story of Our Soul Awakening

May 30, 2021 00:17:41
What Happened to Soul 22? The Story of Our Soul Awakening
Chalice Unitarian Universalist Inspiration
What Happened to Soul 22? The Story of Our Soul Awakening

May 30 2021 | 00:17:41


Show Notes

In the Pixar animation, Soul, middle school teacher and jazz pianist Joe Gardner has a sudden near death experience that sends him to the Great Before where he is assigned to mentor the little ball of potentiality known as Soul 22. Cynical and ornery, Soul 22 has for eons thus far resisted entering life on earth with all its bittersweet possibilities. Soul 22 is a kind of alter ego for Joe Garner as he weighs the meaning of his own life hanging in the balance. Soul. What does it mean?Is it what you feel when you hear Aretha Franklin or Luciano Pavarotti? Do you have a soul? Are you a soul? Is soul the breath of life, and what does it mean for your journey here and now?

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