Throughout history, African American women’s voices have been powerful and wise, but often sidelined, suppressed or ignored. Today we listen more deeply to voices that are less often heard in our society. Rev Nica and Ayanna Gaines will be highlighting a UU Women’s Federation award winning sermon by Marta Varee Pearson and exploring the reasons we need to listen to unheard voices. Join us for an inspiring service, celebrating the wisdom and brilliance of African American women’s voices throughout history.
Video of the UU Women’s Federation annual breakfast 2020 is on YouTube at the URL / link below.
Marta Varee Pearson’s sermon begins at 35:09.
ARVE Error: json decode error code: 4From url: {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/services\/the-challenge-of-commitment\/#arve-youtube-wyvwtb3urmm66b58cad7ae00291040933","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/WYvWtb3uRMM?iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"} As we explore the idea of Commitment this month, we see it is a...
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