Latest Episodes
What can we expect from Unitarian Universalism?
Many people call Unitarian Universalism the religion of the future. What are some of the things that differentiate Unitarian Universalism from other religions? What...
Hidden Labor: The Work That Americans Won’t Do
One service at 10 am George W. Bush once noted that immigrants in the United States often do the labor that “Americans won’t do.”...
Beloved Conversations
One Service at 10:00am only Conscious conversations around race and the role it plays in our society are vital especially these days. Issues of...
Jazz Basketball and Other Keys to Happiness
One Service at 10 am ONLY Jazz basketball is a term from author, activist, and basketball great Kareem Abdul Jabbar and it refers to...
How do you love?
One Service Only Service at 10:00 am Rev. Nica encourages all to come this Sunday especially. She says she’s on fire to preach a...
The Spiritual Sweet Spot
Service at 10:00am only This week, Rev. Nica returns from her study leave and summer break. Today she shares the fruits of her reflections...