Latest Episodes

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda
Humans can be hard on ourselves, giving no quarter for not knowing something the first time, allowing no room for the grace of learning....

Love at the Center: Reflections on General Assembly
In June, our Annual Unitarian Universalist General Assembly took place on line. Our denomination voted to place Love at the Center of how we...

Shining our Light Wherever We Are
July 7th marks our first service in our new temporary Sanctuary in Fellowship Hall. No matter where we are, we, the people, are Chalice....

Endings and Beginnings
With every ending comes a new beginning. After 16 years, today marks our last service in our current Sanctuary. We take time to bid...

This I Remember
ARVE Error: ARVE Error: ARVE Error: json decode error code: 4From url: json decode error code: 4From url: decode error code: 4From...

Is It Binary, Or Not?
Life is complicated, and sometimes confusing. When we try to oversimplify things, we lose the nuances and subtleties that often make the biggest differences....